I have gone through a good deal of software looking into the VJ/DJ/Music/Audio/Creative software. Mainly was looking of a visual node based editor that I can port
Top Picks
- PureData mostly for music and basic video effect creation
- Purr Data - JS port for Pure Data!
- Ossia Score: interactive sequencer with a lot of integration possibilities like PureData and OpenFrameworks
- VVVVjs - like VVVV just in the browser - github - abandoned 6 years ago!
- modV: Web based JavaScript VJ framework
- supports Canvas2D, ThreeJS, GLSL. Hot reloading
- these guys look like the thing I want to be doing:
- mosaic - Visual Patching platform based on OF
- Fugio: designed node based editor projection mapping - runs on raspberry - Qt 5, C++ FURTHER RESEARCH needed - last commit: 5 years ago - open API on github
More at: Node based UI collection (visual programming)
VJ software
- TouchDesigner - starts from 600 USD, runs only on Mac and Windows
- Tooll3- C# project for interactive design Windows only
- Resolume Avenue
- FreeJ: linux project to mix stuff together effect chains and multiple layers of video
- mapstard: really 90s vibe vj tool
- Radiance: looks like a simple live VJ software
- Vidifold: Ubuntu based resolume clone for projecting MIDI support
- vimix: an actively maintained VJ mixing software for linux
Open Framework
- a C++ toolkit to create visual experiences - kinda like low level processing
- Cinder: C++ library for visuals similar looking to OpenFramework, looks smaller and less everything in it
- nannou: There is a new Creative Coding toolkit written in RUST. Ther promise is to be like processing just rusty fast. 5k stars.
- karmaMapper: Visual 2d mapping built on Open Framework - last touched 7 years ago
- LPMT: projection mapper
- mapio - mapper, for money
- omniDome: fulldome projection mapping written in Qt, open source
- Splash: video mapping, support for Raspberry PI, GPL 3d models - with an intuitiv calibrator tool
- VDome: Dome mapping for multiple projectors with Gstreamer and this - based on OpenFrameworks
Visual Programing
- Material Maker - procedural texture making
- Open Stage Control - uses PureData and MIDI for input / output - they use this for controlling stages
- Iannix: can integrate with PureData - sequencer for digital art - French made it
- PraxisLIVE: a visual sequencer, programming in JAVA
Shader Editor / Reactive programming
- kodelife - real time shader editor
- Synthclipse: GLSL shader prototyping tool
- ProjectM: write sound visualisations - written in C: Actively maintained!
- Veda: Live coding for vertex and glsl shaders with midi suport, webcam, gamepad, NodeJS - for Atom.
- vertexshaderart - web client to make vertex shaders reactive to music - like shadertoy just for vertex shaders
Game Design
- Godot engine
- Simple 2d platformer for Godot tutorial
- Another comprehensive "game design" tutorial
- goxel: 3d brick editor
Graphics Editor
- Krita - advenced painting tool by artists
- MovieSandbox - some projection, real time animation tool, can use kinect
- Synfig Studio: Vector animation editor
- Vectr: vector edit tool online - simpler than inkscape
- DAW overview of the scene by unfa
- Giada: MIDI Looper app, just the one I was looking for. Standalone, linux, github, latest commit recently
- Bitwig studio - 100-300EUR - DAW, it has some pretty awesome functions like the modulator heaven
- Loop Drop: a complete MIDI controlled cool app written in JS - not maintained but definitely worth looking into - claims web audio is evil, abandoned 5 years ago
- Bespoke synth :
- similar to SunVox - a node based music designer/synthetizer/sequencer. SunVox runs on EVERYTHING.
3D tools
- Blender - 3d editor with bells and whistles
- OpenSCAD - programmatically create solid shapes
- 3d face scanner - home made style
Video Editing
- Cinelerra video editing software - looks like from the 90s -98 to be specific
- Flowblade: another one, less 90s but still without https - based on python
- KDEnLive: video editor, best looking compared the ones so far
- INSTALLED DaVinchi Resolve - Fusion 18: looks like a node based editor thingy showing off with their holywood productions.
- Olive video editor with a graphical programming node editor inside - MAINTAINED
- Pitivi: claims to have a clean code base
- Q Light Controller, (QLC) - sends signals via DMX - Rasbperry support
- Most of the stuff here came from linux4vjs
- Visual programming article - almost totally unrelated...
- RunwayML: AI video generation platform - it's like cooler than cool.
- Lan Video Mixer: real time mixing of video streams
- Not foss: Magic Music Visualizer: nice videos