What runs the Electric Goose?
20 Posts
Modern Language Feature Confusion in ES6, prototypes vs OO
Why is it a good idea to have OO in standard JS? Some argue that it's dangerous to use classes as it obscures the underlying prototype inheritance paradigm of the original JavaScript language.
Raspberri Pi email notifications setup with SendGrid
A comprehensive guide in setting up SendGrid with your Raspbian from the terminal.
How to Run a Remote Team Meeting
How to run meetings that are not frustrating? 0. implement the framework that encourages the following: 1. make sure they are short 2. make sure everyone is on point 3. if an extension is needed, let the people who does not have anything to do with it go 4. write up what you've done, what you'll do up front 5. start with reading that silently
Technical Debts - The Yak's hair
Best practices on how to deal with technical debt. It's not evil, it's there for a reason. The question is whether people who make the calls are aware that it's there?
How to run an LLM on your desktop Linux?
Yes, on your own machine, smaller models fit a stronger laptop or even a phone!
My Second Brain Stack
Personal Knowledge Management can benefit the support of technology. But what to use in the abundance of options? I went for free, self hosted, platform independent.
Dia Python Plugins
Maybe it's abandon-ware, maybe it looks like from the 90s, but some still use it as it's open-source and does what it's supposed to pretty solid.
- fstab - hdd/ssd auto mounting
Stateless Functions for Unit tests
How to write sustainable unit tests in Cypress?
Raspberry PI Security basics
Basic networking, ssh-keys, generating them and never to allow password only logins.
Raspberry Pi basics
Backup, restore, hdd auto mounting, autostart, autologin, networking, ufw, wifi, watchdog.
Obsidian Bulk Exporter
Custom Blogging pipeline tooling: how to publish directly from your Obsidian with the bulk-exporter plugin?
Obsidian Plugin Development
Best practices, simple snippets to open files
Git Cheat Sheet
Best practices, snippets
Node based and other sound and visual editors, DAWs, VJ/DJ/Music/Audio/Creative software.
Proxying SSH ipv4 to ipv6
How to go from one network to another? User a middle man, use ProxyCommand in configuration.
Linux tools I find useful
Linux is mostly not next next finish. You do not need that. The main benefit is that when it's broken, you stand a chance of figuring out why. Just remember _a few_ commands...
- Dynamic DNS update script for IPv6
MySQL 5.7 on Ubuntu-Debian installation troubleshooting
Yeah, AI can give you some hints, but if it gets stuck...
DIY Syncthing Cloud from Old Raspberry PIs
Simple personal cloud solution, using own hardware, raspberry pi as backup.